One: LIAR. Among (many) other things, Avril says she's a fantastic guitar
player, at least she wasn't when she first came out and claimed to have tought herself how to play. She said she learned
how to play as a teen, then she said she used to play "Knocking on Heaven's Door" on the guitar when she was little. Then
she said her guitar was her therapist. Then she said she wasn't that good at playing the guitar and she sucked. Then she said
that when she wrote her songs she sat down and played what came to her head. Then she said that when she writes her songs
she sits down with a guitar player. When she sang "live" on TV performances she never played the guitar. She "plays" non-existant
chords in her videos. It's ok if a singer can't play the guitar, but then why lie about it?
Her guitar player corrected a chord she had wrong in the middle of an acoustic performance! She's probably trying
to learn right now since the label knows people are catching on, but she's usually out of tempo. I don't think you see Eric
Clapton doing that at his concerts, do you?
{All the great Guitar players in the history of ever are either crying or having seizures in their graves.-Polly}
Two. She ruined Hot Topic. It was a cool store until she came along with
her punk wannabe fans and invaded the store (said by actual HT employees.) {I, Polly Odyssey, prove this. I go to Hot Topic
quite often, and the stupid preppies are always looking at the Goths and Emos there and the employees strange, and always
whispering; the employees glare and say things when they leave. Hot Topic used to be great. Thanks a lot Avril. -Polly Odyssey

Eight. The problem with Avril is that she has a 12 year old brat’s
brain trapped in a 23 year old’s body. She never really grew up and matured. She also never completed high school, so
she isn’t really the sharpest tool in the woodshed. But that doesn’t, however, explain her cold vacuousness
and inherent meanness. I know a few 12 year old brat’s who are nonetheless outgoing and joyful. This is her explaining
spitting on the paps: “I’ve been doing it for years, they love it.” Not exactly remorsefull. Majorly lacking
in morals and ethics. There's a word for that and it starts with a "B"
Three: She contradicts herself. Avril said she was punk (the truth
is out there) then that she's never claimed to be (which is true. She's not punk). Now that she's openly preppy she's been
seen wearing The Ramones and Sex Pistols tshirts. Polly reports that she has hidden her own Ramones and Pistols shirts
in the back of her closet for that glorious day when Avril dies. Wake up! Band tshirts (as cool as they are) don't
make your stupid pop music suck any less!
She also said she could skate, then she says she sucks at it; did you see her "sk8" in the making of the GF remix video?
She could barely ollie and then she glanced at the camera as if she was thinking "see losers?" HAHAHA!
She grew up in the means streets of Canada, then in a rich Canadian suburb, then she grew up in a Christian community...
The list goes on.
Four: Her behaviour. We're really tired of the way she's rude to Good Charlotte,
Pink, Kelly Clarkson, Shakira, and, most of all, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. She also goes sticking up her
middle finger, spits at paparazzi and makes monkey faces, and it's really nothing anyone wants to see. Most of all, yours

Five: HER FANS. Her fans...We can't even describe them! Some are alright.
But most of them are stupid poseurs with bad insults and even worse spelling who are rude (just like her!) They all say they
wanna be JUST like Avril, yet Avril smokes, drinks, isn't very nice and is a liar. On a Facebook page titled "I
hate Avril Lavigne!" crazy fans comparable to the Naruto fanbase would go on, with profile pictures of Advil and 'Lavigne'
IN THEIR NAMES (you can't make shit like this up), and would try to defend her in very poor english, using the standard "YOUR
JEALOUS" comebacks. The page was eventually hacked by Avril fans and is gone now.
Six: There are tons of teeny preps (we don't like
labeling, but she started) who suddenly claim to be all "pxnk" and "rawk" just because they listen to her. They don't
know the first thing about Punk or Rock music, they just go to Hot Topic and buy stuff because it looks cool on Avirl, hell they
were the same kids making fun of punks in the hallways and throwing crap at them during lunch. Avril conformed to their ways
and appeals to them!
Her supposed maturity. Fans alledge she has a new "sound" and a new "image" because she grew up, she’s married, she
got in touch with her femininity and she’s matured. Since when growing up and being feminine equals swearing, drinking
your ass off, spitting at paparazzi, flipping your finger and bashing Britney? She cannot promote any of her albums without
dissing Britney, yet she uncovers for a magazine *cough*hypocrite*cough* Plus womanhood does NOT
equal pink and lip gloss. Pink is N.O.T. the new punk. Thank you. Polly Sez:Everyone says she's
more mature-in my opinion, she was more mature when she began. and she wasn't very mature. Womanhood does not mean pink, shouting
the F-word in your songs, etc. GET A FRIGGIN' CLUE.