hey there! I think your website is pretty kool.. man I would never think this things about her .... i like some
of her songs
The weird part is I'm sort of indifferent. I like her music (before she went all "Hey hey you you" shut up please).
I still listen to her. Some songs I refuse to (cough Sk8er Boi cough). I basically ignore her recent CD. I like her music,
not her. I don't become particularly fond of any musician, just the music they make. You have to also be rational. She's probably
just power hungry. Sold out. Money is her pure motive. It happens to a lot of people. Same thing with the celebrities hating
her. You have no idea what their motives are, because what they usually say is a lie anyway. I also despise people who type
lYk Th1s. I want to kill them. I agree with you there. People have also told me that I looked like her. I didn't try to. I
wear the eyeliner and have blonde hair. So what? That doesn't mean I'm trying to be her. I recently cut my hair short. I also
wear what I want. I occasionally find something from Hot Topic, but I can't afford it. But I wear what I like, wh! en I like.
I don't like it when people accuse me of trying to be some thing I'm not, and she probably doesn't either. I also hate the
people that go to Hot Topic for the sake of either being seen there or buying something they think other people will find
cool. I'm not fully supporting you. I think that you have too much time on your hands. But who am I to speak? I spend most
of my time playing video games and going to shows. I also disagree with you (although you guys do seem like the people I'd
hang out with. I love crazy rants and bitch remarks LOL good one). She does say things she doesn't
mean, but who doesn't? She doesn't dress like herself, but not a lot of people do nowadays. I'm not sure whether this is fan
mail or hate mail, but it doesn't really matter. Think of it more as a critique. Feel free to post or respond to whatever
you'd like.
Thanks for the email, and I'm glad you feel that way. I used to like her music, but never
really liked her. (I have the same problem with a few other musicians). I've made a section for mail like yours that is 'indifferent',
however. I'd have to say that when I had the idea for this site, I had a lot more time for the internet, but I recently replaced
some of the stuff for my game systems and started playing games more, and haven't spent much time editing the site. Thanks
for reading the site, though, we really appreciate it! ~Polly
Mmh this will go in the indifferent mail.
I wanted to say that the site is VERY funny, and sometimes I feel
ashamed of when I was 13 and fan of her :P
I used to like her a lot but now it's over. Still I'm indifferent because I
do not hate her, I just don't care of her anymore. I don't even listen to her songs anymore. Maybe I will again someday but
not as a fan.
The site is really good but there are a few exagerated things :)
There's no need to put extra things that
are farfetched just to prove she is bad... if things were a bit more realistic and very obvious, maybe hate fans would admit
she is not what she claims to be XD.
It's hard to convince 15 year-old hysterical fans. On her official forum, there's
some chick who doesn't want to believe Avril smokes even when other members posted pictures of Avril smoking. She keeps repeating
"Avril doesn't smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has astma!!!!!!!!" like a broken CD lol.
She managed
to sick everybody :D
Thanks for the suggestion, we'll work on it :)
LMAO @ the smoking story, maybe those pictures of her smoking have been photoshopped by evil
paps xD