If you want to send us hate or fan mail, e-mail us below! We'll be sure to post it here and whatever we
wish to say about it!
1. No homophobes, we hate them. NO
calling us "Gay". If you do I know some hackers who would just love to have your e-mail.
2. Before asking us why we waste our time with this, read the
WHOLE SITE, or visit our F.A.Q. section.
3. Avril does not 'rule'. If you have read the entire
site and you still think Avril is tHe BeSt DaMn ThINg eVaH!!!1111, you might be growing a brain tumor and you should
get a CT scan asap.
4. Dont tell us to get a life. They're stupid, expensive,
run by the government and probably made in China by child labour.
5. If you're going to be a d1ck and misspell simple words like
'the', 'you're', 'they're', etc, please click on the and go back to being a teeny bopper.
6. If you call us retards and say something like "u complet
buncha r3tards", Dumbass your name will be forever more. (we tolerate typos but being a 6-year-old is just sad)
7. If you do send us an email with any of the above, we will laugh.
Very hard.
if you send us email, we have all rights to put it on the site!
Just fill the form below